13 Jan 2016

Day 13 - Challenge on Nature Photography

DAY 13 in the #challengeonnaturephotography on Facebook.

For my penultimate Nature Challenge post, I figured it would be nice to head home: Alicante! And where do I feel most at home? Under the water!!! So here are a couple of photos taken while snorkeling or scuba diving: medusa Cothylorhiza tuberculata, photo from September 2009 while snorkeling at the base of the Peñón d'Ifach in Calpe; and mussles growing on an rope (they'll grow on any hard surface!), photo taken during a deco stop in Cabo de Palos, Murcia. (click them bigger)

So my sister​ challenged me to participate in the #challengeonnaturephotography on Facebook. The idea is to occupy FB with nature photographs. Each nominated person will post a different nature photo for 7 days. With each photo they will nominate another person and give the name of the person who nominated them... 

It seemed to be that this would be a very nice way to start off 2016, and I wanted to share it with you as well! :o)

Unfortunately I'm terrible at following instructions, and after going through my photos I can't choose any more! So I'm going for DOUBLE! Two photos a day for 14 days... :p

I don't know about challenging anyone on the Blog... But if you feel like joining in please do! Don't worry, you can stick to the original challenge of 1 photo a day for 7 days! ;) (just leave me a comment with the link so I can be sure to go see yours)

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Hey there! Yes you! The quiet one in the back... I'd love it if you hung out for a bit and shared your thoughts!

I might stop by your place with an answer, but I'm more likely to reply right here so click on "email follow up comments" if you'd like to see what I and others have to say and come continue the conversation! ;o)